International flights


Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
I’ve been down to South America, and different place, but never on flights over 12 hours.

I’m going to Nee Zealand in June. It’s roughly a 27 hour travel day with the longest leg around 15 hours.

Is there more leg room on a flight that long?

Aug 25, 2022
It would depend a lot on the airline, type of plane, and class of ticket you bought.

I took a 14 hour flight from LA to Singapore on a United 747 dreamliner in coach class. There was more leg room than on a typical domestic flight and a few extra perks like free movies, but the seating wasn't drastically different.

Enjoy your trip to New Zealand! :cheers:

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I just got back from the Phillipines flying with Delta. Definitely more leg room. Bigger plane for these 10-12 hour flights. Takes some time to get yourself right with brutal time change.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
It’s the 787 New Zealand Air. Tickets are outrageous now, not upgrading for sure. Lol

my 4 hour flight to Vegas is brutal I can’t imagine this nightmare.

Oct 12, 2008
should b a cool experience, enjoy

2the9s how did you find Singapore?

seems like an interesting place. Their taxation policies are benign- reasonable capped top personal tax bracket, flat tax for foreigners (income) and no capital gains on the sale of properties, equities. Must be a haven for traders . They have fine print tho, ..taxed if deemed to be flipping properties or one's income is deemed as a trader . Their healthcare is dual , i believe , - private and public (universal). Have a few trader buddies that live there , one visited Sweden and was stunned by the general cost of living /taxation (told him you wont like Canada, lol ).

He did say real estate is very expensive in Singapore the place is tiny, no land!

Mar 20, 2009
I went to Australia 10-12 yrs ago. Flew from NC to Hawaii, spent the night, then Hawaii to Sydney which was the longest leg. On way back flew from Sydney to LA.

We flew on Qantas of course but upgraded to business class which ended up being the best investment ever. We basically had our own 'pods' which would recline to almost flat, ALMOST flat. There was a curtain you could slide over when sleeping or want privacy. I watched TV and movies the whole way there and back, They would gently wake you up when it was time to eat, it was way better than I expected cause I was really nervous being in the air that amount of time and having adequate leg room (I'm 6'4")

Coach was in the back area so i really didn't see what those seats were like but Qantas is an awesome airline, I'm sure if you are sitting in coach it will still be comfortable in some way

Mar 20, 2009
New Zealand Air has to be right up there with Qantas on flights that long I would expect

What's cool is their winter is summer over there, I went in December and it was hot. Crossing the IDL is weird too, no jet lag, it was within 1-2 hrs of the same time when we arrived, but it was the day before, lol, on the way back you lose a whole day

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I just got back from the Phillipines flying with Delta. Definitely more leg room. Bigger plane for these 10-12 hour flights. Takes some time to get yourself right with brutal time change.
Tokyo to Manila was thru Phillipines Air. Manila to Seoul was Korean Air. Nice planes , lots of room.
RT cost me $2400.. $600 6 years ago. Hong Kong was only $800 4 years ago.

Oct 12, 2008
how did u like the Phillipines, Red? the good/bad

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
how did u like the Phillipines, Red? the good/bad
It's like going back in time. Once you get out of Manila , so much of the country is decades behind. Main roads are primarily traveled by motorbikes, scooters, and tricycles. It's crazy driving thru this chaos.. lol. Loved it though. Crazy that I didn't see one accident the entire time there.
Seems like everyone has a storefront selling something.

55 pesos to the dollar was great. Getting rides on one of these miniature buses was like 15 pesos, 50 pesos for two on a trycicyle from the top of the hill where we were staying down to the main part of town. I got a 2 bedroom airbnb for around $50 a night, that was pretty nice, about 2 hours or so out of Manila.

Local food was great. Couldn't get enough of it. Dirt cheap too.
I stood out like a sore thumb , with no other Americans around. Didn't seem to be an issue though.

For the most part, I was more localized this trip, checking out wet markets, bazaars etc. I'm not much into resorts when I go into these types of countries. Been there done that. Kinda boring if you ask me. Last trip had more sightseeing , heading up to Baguio and some of the beaches.

Alot to see and do there. 88 -90 everyday. You kinda want to plan a trip after the rainy season , which runs from June thru early November if I have it right.

Dec 13, 2007
It's like going back in time. Once you get out of Manila , so much of the country is decades behind. Main roads are primarily traveled by motorbikes, scooters, and tricycles. It's crazy driving thru this chaos.. lol. Loved it though. Crazy that I didn't see one accident the entire time there.
Seems like everyone has a storefront selling something.

55 pesos to the dollar was great. Getting rides on one of these miniature buses was like 15 pesos, 50 pesos for two on a trycicyle from the top of the hill where we were staying down to the main part of town. I got a 2 bedroom airbnb for around $50 a night, that was pretty nice, about 2 hours or so out of Manila.

Local food was great. Couldn't get enough of it. Dirt cheap too.
I stood out like a sore thumb , with no other Americans around. Didn't seem to be an issue though.

For the most part, I was more localized this trip, checking out wet markets, bazaars etc. I'm not much into resorts when I go into these types of countries. Been there done that. Kinda boring if you ask me. Last trip had more sightseeing , heading up to Baguio and some of the beaches.

Alot to see and do there. 88 -90 everyday. You kinda want to plan a trip after the rainy season , which runs from June thru early November if I have it right.
Sounds amazing...

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Yea, not spending 6-7k on a flight. I’ll be coaching it. Lol. It’s $2400 for that

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
It's like going back in time. Once you get out of Manila , so much of the country is decades behind. Main roads are primarily traveled by motorbikes, scooters, and tricycles. It's crazy driving thru this chaos.. lol. Loved it though. Crazy that I didn't see one accident the entire time there.
Seems like everyone has a storefront selling something.

55 pesos to the dollar was great. Getting rides on one of these miniature buses was like 15 pesos, 50 pesos for two on a trycicyle from the top of the hill where we were staying down to the main part of town. I got a 2 bedroom airbnb for around $50 a night, that was pretty nice, about 2 hours or so out of Manila.

Local food was great. Couldn't get enough of it. Dirt cheap too.
I stood out like a sore thumb , with no other Americans around. Didn't seem to be an issue though.

For the most part, I was more localized this trip, checking out wet markets, bazaars etc. I'm not much into resorts when I go into these types of countries. Been there done that. Kinda boring if you ask me. Last trip had more sightseeing , heading up to Baguio and some of the beaches.

Alot to see and do there. 88 -90 everyday. You kinda want to plan a trip after the rainy season , which runs from June thru early November if I have it right.
Sounds a lot like Colombia when I was there. The people were so nice and it was so cheap it was crazy.

Aug 25, 2022
should b a cool experience, enjoy

2the9s how did you find Singapore?

seems like an interesting place. Their taxation policies are benign- reasonable capped top personal tax bracket, flat tax for foreigners (income) and no capital gains on the sale of properties, equities. Must be a haven for traders . They have fine print tho, ..taxed if deemed to be flipping properties or one's income is deemed as a trader . Their healthcare is dual , i believe , - private and public (universal). Have a few trader buddies that live there , one visited Sweden and was stunned by the general cost of living /taxation (told him you wont like Canada, lol ).

He did say real estate is very expensive in Singapore the place is tiny, no land!
Singapore was cool. It's impeccably clean, scenic, and efficiently run. It has a reputation for being expensive, which it is, but I have recently traveled to Miami Beach and twice to NYC, and Singapore is cheaper than either of those places. They are very strict about certain things. Heavy fines or even jail time for things we take for granted, like littering. I saw one sign warning of a $30,000 fine for feeding pigeons! Don't even think about bringing weed in.

It's small and the airport is awesome, so the recommended way to visit is to fly in and spend a few days there before going elsewhere in Asia. Driving/parking is awful and the MRT (subway) is fantastic, so it's best to stay near a MRT stop. There's a big difference in quality between a $100/night hotel and a $225/night hotel.

Happy travels!

Oct 12, 2008
their airport consistently ranked super high, #1 at this site.

where else in Asia have u visited, 2the9s?

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
Make sure to get the aisle seat.


Aug 25, 2022
their airport consistently ranked super high, #1 at this site.

where else in Asia have u visited, 2the9s?
I've only made one Asian trip. Singapore and then various spots in Thailand before flying back out of Singapore.

Have you been to Asia? Any spots you would recommend?

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